We’ve been keeping an eye out for you. This is your chance to put yourself on our radar! VAE normally finds our artists through calls and internal nominations  and we've come to realize that many talented artists fall to the wayside as the result of the unintentional limitations of this practice. Here is our remedy! 

VAE's Artist Database is for internal use only and will not be shared with the public. If you’d like to be included in our public directory, you can learn more about it here. (We won’t stop you from getting involved in both!) When we put together steering committees and curate our exhibitions, we will be starting our search within our database, so put your best foot forward! All engaged artists, speakers, and thought partners are paid equitably for their contributions to VAE. 

If you’ve submitted to the database and would like to adjust your submission in any way, please email Ant and they will advise you on next steps. 

Tips for standing out:

Be yourself!

As corny as it sounds, being yourself will do wonders for your art career! VAE prides itself in engaging with artists and uplifting their identities. We employ a comprehensive programmatic rubric that ensures each one of VAE's exhibitions, events, and activations are diverse and inclusive. Some of the key identities on our exhibition rubric are people who belong to the following communities: BIPOC communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, and the disabled community. 

State your intention!

Our exhibitions at VAE are built on complex concepts that are relayed to our audience through the voices of the artists we engage with. If a social issue influences your work, tell us about it! If your life experience is key to the way you explore a medium, we want to know! These details help us to get a clear picture of how your work fits in with ours.

Be patient!

VAE plans our exhibition schedule at least two years in advance, so it may be a while before the perfect storm brews and brings your entry to the foreground. Through the backend management of this database, you will never be forgotten! If you’re feeling a little antsy, keep an eye on our website or subscribe to our emails and do not hesitate to apply to any other opportunities! 


  • If you are a representative for a brand, business, or organization, please do not fill out this form. Contacting us through this form is preferred.

  • VAE does not have the capacity to offer solo shows.

  • If you’re interested in pitching an exhibition or program, filling out our Pitch, Please form is advised. 

  • VAE only exhibits work that was made in the last 5 years.

  • This is not a way for VAE to take credit for your ideas or your work, just a simple way to make our resources accessible to the community.

  • VAE does not exhibit or financially support work that co-opts the story of a community without representation from that community acting in a decision making role.

  • VAE does not have the capacity to provide feedback for every submission. You may never hear from us but that shouldn’t discourage you!


VAE’s gallery space is physically accessible and we strive to make the submission process accessible as well. We encourage anyone to enter our open call exhibitions. If you need any additional information or accommodations in order to submit a proposal, please email Ant or call 919.828.7834 for assistance.